March 21, 2024

The Psychic, the Solar Installer, and the CPUC

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, a psychic predicts a sunny future for a struggling solar installer and the entire California solar industry. But when the installer doesn’t believe her, the psychic makes a bet that could cost him a free solar installation. Can the psychic really change the installer's future or the CPUC?

True Solar Takeaways

  • Recent decisions by the California Public Utilities Commission have resulted in 17,000 solar job losses in California, and there could be more.
  • Studies show that rooftop solar is a net cost benefit to all ratepayers.
  • Under Net Energy Metering 3.0 (NEM 3.0), solar consumers receive a bill credit at the "avoided cost" or wholesale rate. To improve solar's ROI and payback, homeowners essentially have to buy a battery, increasing the upfront cost of solar and making solar less desirable in California.
  • Retail electricity bills from California's three major utilities increased by at least 47%, with San Diego Gas & Electric experiencing a spike of 104%. 
  • California's Governor appointed the current CPUC commissioners and can influence them to review their recent misguided and devastating decisions for the rooftop and community solar industries. 
