June 28, 2023

The Caveman, the Devil’s Tools, and the Grid

Two teenagers are having a private moment in the hills above a utility substation when suddenly they happen upon a terrorist intent on bringing down their local grid. Will the teens escape and defeat the terrorist? Yes, but only with the help of some very modern and very real solar and smart electric resources.

True Solar Takeaways

  • Terrorists have been attempting to disrupt the grid by firing rifle shots at the transformers of utility substations. Here are some news clips about these incidents:
  • Yes, indeed. There is a "Smart Summon" mode on your Tesla, but you need to be close by. Behold
  • The smart homes of the future are here, not in the future. There are many, many companies that offer app connections that can control just about anything in your house through wifi and smart plugs, including the coffee maker, the TV,  lights, stereos, and of course garage door openers. Pretty much everything. 
  • If you've only installed solar on your roof, you will generally not be able to use the solar generation, even if the blackout occurs when the sun is shining. That's because your solar power will back feed into the grid and endanger the line-people who are fixing transmission wires, so your inverter will cut off your solar production. There are a few inverters that will "island" and route power to your home and not the grid. Check with your installer.
  • If you want your solar power to back you up, day or night, you'll need to install a battery. However, whole home backup is rare--and expensive. Instead, you can tell your solar+battery installer about the "critical loads" that will be available during a blackout, and he'll configure your battery to keep those things running. Typically, it's the lights, refrigerator, and other small appliances. The size of your battery will partly determine how many hours those things will stay on. Of course, the more things you use during a blackout, the fewer hours of backup battery usage you'll have. Also, if you include high-intensity loads like air conditioning or a pool pump, you'll quickly use up your battery power in very few hours.


Series Story: "The Solar Heist or How I Got into the Solar Business"

Probably True Solar Stories has a long solar "mini-series." Listen to the Solar Heist series here. Then explore the other shorter stand-alone stories below.

Nov. 30, 2022

Part 3: The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business: The Fa…

In the next episode of Probably True Solar Stories , we continue the story of two neighbors who are part of the solar industry. Charlie is a large-scale utility solar developer while Mazz is a medium-scale thief who successfu...

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June 14, 2023

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 5: The Es…

After almost being shot by a crime syndicate enforcer, Charlie and Mazz go to confront Richard Prout about who really owns the utility solar project. But Richard won’t talk. Worse, he attempts a daring escape that frustrates ...

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June 7, 2023

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 4: The Wa…

Season 2's theme is "Solar Noir," and we start off with a darkly comedic Part 4 of our Solar Heist series. (Catch up to Parts 1-3 here .) In Part 4, Mazz and Charlie are forced by Richard Prout, a …

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Oct. 5, 2022

Part 2: The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business: The No…

In real life, you never hear about the perfect heist. That’s because when a real-life heist is perfect, there are no witnesses, the criminals disappear, and the case goes cold. Boring. Now, in a fictional heist story, somethi...

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Sept. 28, 2022

Part 1: The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business: The Pr…

In this first episode of Probably True Solar Stories , two neighbors meet unexpectedly at an Oakland, California coffee shop that specializes in dark, rich coffee. Mazz owns a trucking business by day and is a thief at night....

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Aug. 16, 2023

Part 6, The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business: Trust

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, we end our Solar Noir season where we began. We continue the ongoing story of "The Solar Heist, or How I Got Into the Solar Business." In this next chapter, it’s all about …

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Sept. 20, 2023

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Parts 1-6

For those solar fiction fans who prefer the longer formats, we've combined all six episodes of "The Solar Heist" into a single two-hour version, including chapter headings. Two neighbors meet unexpectedly at an Oakland, Calif...

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Jan. 24, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 7: Monste…

On the next episode of Probably True Solar Stories, we continue with Part 7 of The Solar Heist, or How I Got Into the Solar Business. When an intruder breaks in and holds a gun to the head of Mazz's …

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Jan. 31, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 8: Mrs. P…

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, Sylvia Prout, the widow of Richard Prout, visits Mazz and Charlie looking for answers about her husband's apparent murder. After some intense questioning and bourbon Irish coffees, Syl...

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Feb. 7, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 9: Chico

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, "The Solar Heist" series continues. Charlie goes to Chico, California to hunt for "CATs," --certain awful things--buried at a landfill that’s about to become a new solar farm. Meanwhil...

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Feb. 14, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 10: Timing

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, we continue with Part 10 of "The Solar Heist" series. Mrs. Prout returns to Mazz and Charlie’s house to give them a warning. But Mazz and Charlie are already in Chico. Despite her …

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Feb. 21, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 11: Rewind

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, we conclude our limited series, "The Solar Heist, or How I Got Into the Solar Business." It's about two neighbors who unexpectedly form an odd friendship and work to uncover a solar en...

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