Aug. 2, 2023

The Red Knight and the Dawn of the Solar Dragon, Part 2

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, we continue with part 2 of The Red Knight and the Dawn of the Solar Dragon. Gorin, The Red Knight has invented a technology to replace dragon power with short-sighted fossil fuel power. But can Gorin quietly replace hundreds of fire-breathing dragons without getting burned and starting a Second Dragon War? Maybe not...

True Solar Takeaways

  • Unions are truly a part of our utility energy operations and construction. They bargain for good prevailing wages and benefits, and they can also get involved in energy politics. For example, utility unions largely oppose rooftop solar and will lobby for legislation and regulations that support large-scale solar (and their members). They also support legislation and regulations that disincentivizes rooftop solar. Why? Because small installation companies aren't part of the union and because they fear that rooftop solar will decrease utility solar jobs. In fact, we need both rooftop and utility solar in order to fight climate change.
  • Likewise, coal, gas, and oil unions oppose solar because they also know that their jobs will decrease. But the clean energy writing is on the wall and their leadership understands that they will eventually need to support retraining their workers for clean energy and other industries.
  • Energy wonks often refer to the cost of energy over time as the "Levelized Cost of Energy" or LCOE. It allows them to compare the total cost of a solar plant to, say, a gas or coal plant. Today, solar has the lowest LCOE. 
  • Milanium is an imaginary rare-earth metal. However, solar and clean energy is in great need of many rare-earth metals and not-so-are minerals. These include silicon, the base element for making solar cells for solar panels, and lithium for making rechargeable batteries. 
  • Peaker power plants are always on standby, so the cost to use them is very expensive. Utilities use speakers for backup power on hot days when more people are running their air conditioners.
  • Solar technology is now mature and reliable. There are over 4 million solar installations in the U.S. and millions more around the world. PERC and TopCon are the current leading solar panel technologies. Perovskite solar panels haven't been commercialized yet, but they're close. Once commercialized, they will make solar panels less expensive and generate more power per square inch.
  • Lithium-iron phosphate batteries are becoming more popular for home backup power.  However, most home batteries use Lithium-ion chemistries.
  • The chemistry formulas for iron-air batteries are now being commercialized, allowing for affordable and long-lasting storage of solar and wind power. These batteries can provide several days' worth of stored energy, rather than just a few hours.
  • Wind power is already an inexpensive and reliable renewable power.
  • Geothermal energy is a promising new source of renewable energy. It harnesses heat from the Earth to create steam that powers electric turbines. Geothermal power plants currently exist in Iceland a


Series Story: "The Solar Heist or How I Got into the Solar Business"

Probably True Solar Stories has a long solar "mini-series." Listen to the Solar Heist series here. Then explore the other shorter stand-alone stories below.

Nov. 30, 2022

Part 3: The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business: The Fa…

In the next episode of Probably True Solar Stories , we continue the story of two neighbors who are part of the solar industry. Charlie is a large-scale utility solar developer while Mazz is a medium-scale thief who successfu...

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June 14, 2023

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 5: The Es…

After almost being shot by a crime syndicate enforcer, Charlie and Mazz go to confront Richard Prout about who really owns the utility solar project. But Richard won’t talk. Worse, he attempts a daring escape that frustrates ...

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June 7, 2023

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 4: The Wa…

Season 2's theme is "Solar Noir," and we start off with a darkly comedic Part 4 of our Solar Heist series. (Catch up to Parts 1-3 here .) In Part 4, Mazz and Charlie are forced by Richard Prout, a …

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Oct. 5, 2022

Part 2: The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business: The No…

In real life, you never hear about the perfect heist. That’s because when a real-life heist is perfect, there are no witnesses, the criminals disappear, and the case goes cold. Boring. Now, in a fictional heist story, somethi...

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Sept. 28, 2022

Part 1: The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business: The Pr…

In this first episode of Probably True Solar Stories , two neighbors meet unexpectedly at an Oakland, California coffee shop that specializes in dark, rich coffee. Mazz owns a trucking business by day and is a thief at night....

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Aug. 16, 2023

Part 6, The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business: Trust

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, we end our Solar Noir season where we began. We continue the ongoing story of "The Solar Heist, or How I Got Into the Solar Business." In this next chapter, it’s all about …

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Sept. 20, 2023

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Parts 1-6

For those solar fiction fans who prefer the longer formats, we've combined all six episodes of "The Solar Heist" into a single two-hour version, including chapter headings. Two neighbors meet unexpectedly at an Oakland, Calif...

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Jan. 24, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 7: Monste…

On the next episode of Probably True Solar Stories, we continue with Part 7 of The Solar Heist, or How I Got Into the Solar Business. When an intruder breaks in and holds a gun to the head of Mazz's …

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Jan. 31, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 8: Mrs. P…

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, Sylvia Prout, the widow of Richard Prout, visits Mazz and Charlie looking for answers about her husband's apparent murder. After some intense questioning and bourbon Irish coffees, Syl...

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Feb. 7, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 9: Chico

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, "The Solar Heist" series continues. Charlie goes to Chico, California to hunt for "CATs," --certain awful things--buried at a landfill that’s about to become a new solar farm. Meanwhil...

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Feb. 14, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 10: Timing

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, we continue with Part 10 of "The Solar Heist" series. Mrs. Prout returns to Mazz and Charlie’s house to give them a warning. But Mazz and Charlie are already in Chico. Despite her …

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Feb. 21, 2024

The Solar Heist, or How I Got into the Solar Business, Part 11: Rewind

On the next Probably True Solar Stories, we conclude our limited series, "The Solar Heist, or How I Got Into the Solar Business." It's about two neighbors who unexpectedly form an odd friendship and work to uncover a solar en...

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